Tuesday, 28 January 2014

10 Week Challenge update #1

Hey everyone! I know it's only been a couple of days but i'm sitting here (could be doing heaps of other stuff) waiting to pick up Lilli from her first day of Prep! So thought i'd blog a few iphone pics from the last couple of days!

The last few Mornings have looked a little like Rain and holy moly, it's been windy. That once, used to be an excuse for me, but really whats a bit of water or a nice cool breeze :)
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Lunch - I LOVE these spelt crackers! I could eat the whole packet!
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And then you get a morning like this one! 'Perfect'! That's Queensland for you ;P
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That 'Perfect' morning ended like this!
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Trained some upper body this long weekend as I usually have PT on a Monday and missed it from the Public Holiday.
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Another morning walk and my time/km's covered is slowly improving :)
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And that brings us up to date... I'll leave you with the First Preppy lunch I packed! Wholemeal sandwich with Ham and Cheese, vanilla yoghurt, muesil bar, homemade Choc spinach brownie, strawberries, apple, crackers and a 'lotta love'! And a photo of the little girl that I packed it for!
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Lilli's teacher, handed these out as we left the classroom!!! I didn't need the tissue, but i so could have done with the Choc Furry Friend! But i was a good girl and came home to have a yummy lunch :)
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See you in a few days!


Anonymous said...

this is a good thing, posting all your hard work and efforts during your day, even makes me want to work out for the second time today.

Unknown said...

Well done Lis! Keep up the regular blogs xo

Lisa said...

Thanks Heaps guys!!! Will do, all the motivation from you all will help me to blog through the 10 weeks :)


Welcome to the personal photo blog of Lisa Burston.

Lisa is a 20-something up and coming awesome photographer, mum to the amazing Lilli Grace, and super assistant to Nikki at IPQ Art.