Monday, 5 November 2012

Photo a day - Week 43 - Something old

Day #310 Photobucket Day #300 - These hands have done so so so much good in their 75 years. Wedding ring is also 55 years old. 300/365 Day #299 - Nan has had this little infant Jesus forever! 299/365 Day #298 - Mine and my Sister's Christening gown. almost 29 years old. 298/365 Day #297 - Nan's Rosary beads that are so old they have been sewn back together. 297/365 Day #296 - My Great Grandfather's Australian Rail Union stamp booklet. From 1935 296/365 Day #295 - My Music box from about 24 years ago... It's still works. 295/365

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Welcome to the personal photo blog of Lisa Burston.

Lisa is a 20-something up and coming awesome photographer, mum to the amazing Lilli Grace, and super assistant to Nikki at IPQ Art.