Playing catch up from a 'million' years ago!! LOL. I think last time I actually blogged 'Personal' stuff was from May 2013! (Disgraceful, I know). So today.... I've caught up until September 2013! I'll try my best to keep catching up.
In June.... We got to catch up with some Friends that had moved away and their new little addition, Bella!
Lilli, Mia and Georgie
Imogen, (my first Birth that I had photographed) turned 1 and we helped celebrate her birthday!
The Girls were excited to get their faces painted, but Lucas, not so much!
Hanging out with these 2 always makes me laugh! They'll be the best of Friends, I'm sure :)
We headed up to Yeppoon for a couple of days on the Holidays.... Lilli had a new outfit I had made... so I thought we'd try it out with some photos. After we got through a few crossed arms and dirty looks (maybe a little bribery for an ice-cream). We got some cute photos!
Pagen with Lilli
And a couple of random things that I thought were kinda cool!
In July.... We did a session with the Seng Girls and I got to snap a couple of Mia!
Another visit to Yeppoon, this time with Teags, Lucas and Lucie :)
I don't get many of this big boy anymore, so when I have the opportunity, I get in quick!
Teagan, just being 'Teags'!
Porsche's masterpiece 'Ball castle'!
In love with this little boat shed!
And Lucie Mae... Being such the girl she is, Kicking and throwing sand.. In her gorgeous Wawa Tree outfit!
Down at Nan and Grandad's for Farm day....
Some balloons and face painting to finish off the morning!
Lilli finished off her holidays with some 'Kidfit' fun over at Get Fit Gladstone :)
And that wraps up the blog catch up from June 2013 until Sept 2013!!! Keep checking back.... I hope to keep catching up :) See you all soon!