We were on Holiday and visiting my Cousin and his Wife when they had just found out that they were almost positive, that they would be 'Mummy and Daddy' again in as little as 6 days time. This little girl wasn't going to do the full 40 weeks ;P
So we rushed a 'Maternity' session in while i was there.
Big Sister Maddison
Baby Mia was Born 6 days later at 33 Weeks weighing just over 4lbs. Congratulations Lawrence, Sam and Maddi on the special arrival of another little baby Girl!!! Can't wait to see her.
I've finally gotten around to editing some images from our Holiday in November last year ;P I am doing the blog post for it in 2 parts as i normally 'overshoot' so you can imagine how many pics i took on holiday!
The first half of our holiday was in Hervey Bay and Kilcoy (where i ran the Warrior Dash).
Lilli met some Bikers that were on their way to a 'Fun Run' in Hervey Bay... First time she has sat on a motorbike!
Hanging out at the Water park with her Cousin Maddison!
Time for some Ice cream
A walk on the beach!!
Then off to Kilcoy, where Lilli celebrated her 4th Birthday!
Hopefully the 2nd part of the blog post won't be too far away! Hope you all enjoyed it ;P
I've been promising Lilli that next time it rains, she can go out and play in it..... Mama bought her new 'Puddle Jumping Boots' (Say that 10 times fast)! LOL! And Teagie, bought her a new WaWa Tree skirt! So why not wear them together? And seen as tho it has been raining a bit lately, we have some 'Puddle Jumping Pictures!'